At the heart of Trendency Research is an online platform that gathers real-time information on a host of issues nationwide from representative panels of participants. The Trendency platform is based on algorithms and predictive analytics which were developed in stem cell research labs and modified to track and predict human behavior.
Traditional polling and marketing research strategies encompass methodologies that are static and yield little information about respondent behavior or trends. While unquestionably accurate, traditional polling offers only a snapshot of the current environment. Even with most panel research that is available, the data shows a series of snapshots in time, as opposed to a true understanding of trends and why respondents have moved and how they got there. Trendency Research provides real-time attitudinal and behavioral trends of respondents, which allows us to view movement outside of the binary data view that traditional polling offers.
Trendency Research LLC is a research company based in Washington, D.C. and San Juan, Puerto Rico.